Tuesday 21 July 2009

Salvation is of the Lord

They smiled and shook hands, exchanging greetings.

Smiling visages are like painted veneers, in that both mean to portray and hide something at the same time except the former costs less and is usually well practiced in church. But the sadness in their eyes betrayed them. Scars that would qualify for honorary doctorates from the university of hard knocks, some poorly healed, others still bleeding. It was an existence driven by the painful mundane bolstered by much anger derived from hopeless cynicism, waking another morning hoping to be in heaven, or maybe, hell.

Anything but this cursed life on earth.

"Have you read it, the 23rd Psalm?" the Brother pipped.

"It was read on my wedding day years ago", he replied.

"It's no coincidence I asked you to read it last week. Do you want the Lord as your shepherd? Do you want to be saved?" challenged the Brother.

"Well, I am a Christian because I believe that if I help myself God will then help me. Aren't I saved because of this?" he stated.

"No, you are going straight to hell if you think you can help yourself. Brother, the Bible says that God loves You and sent His Son Jesus to die for you. The Bible also says that to be saved, you need to acknowledge your sin before the Lord Jesus for which you are condemned. Ask Him to forgive you, ask Him to save you because He died on the cross for you. And He will, if you simply believe that He alone can save you. Salvation is a gift, it is not obtained by works, or rites, or rituals, or speaking in tongues, or giving money to the church, or any such non-biblical garbage. Do you want this gift brother? Do you want to be saved?"

The cloudy sadness in his eyes lifted, a glimmer of hope shone through those dark, tired portals of his heaving soul. "I want to believe, I want to be saved, tell me how I can be saved", he gasped, like a drowning man.

"Pray with me brother, say these words sincerely to our Lord Jesus, mean what you say, it is not the prayer, but it is your crying out to Him, and He will save you", the Brother replied. "Repeat after me now brother. Lord Jesus, I am a sinner, and for my sins I am condemned. But You suffered and died on the cross, shed your blood for me. Please forgive my sins, please save me, please remember me. Thank you for your mercy and grace, amen."

"Brother, you are now saved. What you did not earn by good works, you cannot lose by bad. But now that you are saved, your life can be transformed by the Lord. For this to happen, you must read your bible, do as it says to draw closer to the Lord. Here, take this material. It will help with your bible study. If you have questions, ask me".

Two grown men hugged that day, because a brother long lost is now found.

"Thank you Lord Jesus, for saving us, for saving me" the Brother prayed silently. "I should die a million times and even so it is insufficient to pay the debt I owe you. That you would allow me now to share the gospel that others might be saved humbles me. It reminds me that I am a sinner, condemned to hell except that You saved me, and made me something, when I am nothing. Thank You Lord Jesus".

Tears were the only thing that betrayed him. Perhaps, two brothers long lost were now found.

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