Friday 26 June 2009

Another awesome article from

Satanic Theology

Misguided religious student is brainwashed by Satan!

I received the following letter from a Catholic seminary student named Katrina January of 2006...

Dear Mr. Stewart,

As I was doing a web search relating to God and Evil for my Theology class at my university, I came across your article on Harry Potter and how evil he was. You use the quote from Voldemort teaching Quirrell, "There is no good and evil; there is only power, and those too weak to seek it." This is what the BAD guy is teaching his followers, similar to something the Devil would tell his followers and those he wished to control. No child reading Harry Potter would take advice from Voldemort as he is pretty much the equivalent to Satan himself. If anything, Harry Potter books teach kids to take a stand against evil and do the right thing.

You criticize Harry and his friends for learning and using "witchcraft" which are their natural powers. Jesus used his natural powers to help those who needed him, as Harry does with his powers. Like Jesus, Harry does not use his natural gift to harm others, although he could, just as Jesus could have chosen to use his powers negatively if he wanted to.

Allowing children to use their imagination and pretend to be magical is not harmful. If they are like Harry Potter, they will be pretending to use their magic against evil.

The Bible may say witchcraft is wrong, but I am pretty sure the witchcraft they are referring to is "black magic" not the magic Harry and his gang are using to fight from preventing evil from being reborn (much like your belief in the antichrist). Your pilgrimage fighting Harry Potter as the bringer about of the "Anti-Christ" is much like Harry's fight to prevent the evil Voldemort from reentering the world of the living.

Perhaps if you took the time to read the Harry Potter series, you would see Harry faces many of the same hardships as Jesus Christ did. Such as: people expecting him to be invincible and save everyone from evil, and those taking his word that he is trying to help them as being false.

Jesus preached acceptance of others, and that comes from learning where others are coming from. Just because somebody is a Muslim, Buddhist, Wiccan or Hindu does not make them a bad person. Labeling them as a bad person because they don't necessarily believe your view on God would justify them classifying you as a bad person. Jesus is the only judge, live YOUR life the way you see fit without criticizing the life styles of others.

I myself consider myself to be Agnostic, but I attend a Catholic University and have friends that are everything from gay, straight, bisexual, Hindu, Buddhist, "Born Again" Christians and even Wiccans. All of these people are important to me, and are outstanding people in general. If your God is too blind to see beyond the front to see the good in everybody, maybe he isn't such a great God.

Your Truly,


Katrina has adopted a form of "Satanic theology" in her head.

Talk about misguided, this young woman certainly is brainwashed by Satan. First of all Katrina, you completely fail to see (or refuse to see) what is wrong with Harry Potter. Although it is clear that Voldemort is the "bad guy" in the Harry Potter series, HARRY POTTER himself is highly exalted as the GOOD GUY. And what does the good guy, Harry Potter, saturate himself with? WITCHCRAFT!!! Galatians 5:19 and 20 clearly read "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, WITCHCRAFT..." Witchcraft is of the Devil. 1st Samuel 15:23 identifies witchcraft as a SIN. Katrina says:

"Perhaps if you took the time to read the Harry Potter series, you would see Harry faces many of the same hardships as Jesus Christ did."

Yes Katrina, but JESUS DIDN'T USE WITCHCRAFT to defeat evil, He used the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Harry Potter never mentions Jesus, the Bible, or the Holy Spirit. Harry Potter is a warlock (a male witch) who has been trained in the Hogwart's School of Witchcraft to perform spells, magick, and other forms of demonism. You are woefully wrong Katrina to compare the Saviour, Who used Holy Spirit power; to a witch (Harry Potter), who uses demonic power. What in the world are they teaching you in religious seminar?

Katrina also says:

"You criticize Harry and his friends for learning and using "witchcraft" which are their natural powers. Jesus used his natural powers to help those who needed him, as Harry does with his powers."

You are greatly deceived Katrina. Jesus spiritual power is the Holy Spirit; whereas Harry Potter's spiritual power is Satanic. If you believe for one moment that witchcraft is a "natural power," then you are completely ignorant of the truth. Witchcraft is NOT a natural power; but, rather, is invoking the powers of Satan. For you to even compare the power of Christ with the power of witchcraft is blasphemy. It is abundantly clear to me Katrina that you are a child of Satan yourself and need salvation. Katrina says:

"Allowing children to use their imagination and pretend to be magical is not harmful."

The issue is not about children's imaginations Katrina, it's about the wicked sin of witchcraft being presented to children as something "good" to fight evil; when in reality, witchcraft is just as evil as all evil. Witchcraft is evil, it is demonic, it is of the Devil. Only a fool would defend witchcraft.

Katrina goes on to say:

"The Bible may say witchcraft is wrong, but I am pretty sure the witchcraft they are referring to is "black magic" not the magic Harry and his gang are using..."

"Pretty sure?" You're in a religious college and the best you can come up with is "pretty sure?" You've got to be kidding? Are you so foolish that you'd actually buy into Satan's lie that there is such a thing as "white witchcraft?" There is no such animal. You speak of "good magic" Katrina, but subtly leave out the word "witchcraft." Harry Potter is going to a school that teaches WITCHCRAFT! The godless author, J.K. Rowling, didn't use the term "good magic" in her books, she used the term "witchcraft." It is an abomination unto God Almighty. ALL witchcraft is of the Devil. You are greatly deceived Katrina. I would highly suggest that you enroll in a different religious school that actually teaches the Bible, because you are throwing your money (or your parent's money) away. It doesn't surprise me that you see nothing wrong with witchcraft in a Catholic University because I've never met one Catholic who actually read the Bible. Instead, they just accept the traditions of the Catholic church as Gospel truth, which it certainly is not.

Katrina foolishly continues by saying:

"Jesus preached acceptance of others, and that comes from learning where others are coming from. Just because somebody is a Muslim, Buddhist, Wiccan or Hindu does not make them a bad person. Labeling them as a bad person because they don't necessarily believe your view on God would justify them classifying you as a bad person. Jesus is the only judge, live YOUR life the way you see fit without criticizing the life styles of others."

Wow! You're really messed up kid. I dare you to show me what you just said from the Word of God, because it's not there. Jesus never told us to accept the wicked. Yes, we are to love all people; but God actually commands us to SEPARATE from unbelievers (2nd Corinthians 6:14-17). I see that you're not using any Scriptures to back up your foolishness, further proof that your Catholic college doesn't teach you the Bible. But I'll use some Scriptures to prove you're totally wrong. Furthermore, you are misquoting me entirely. I dare you to show me anywhere on my website where I say Muslims, Buddhists, Wiccans, or Hindus are BAD PEOPLE. I never said no such thing. I don't attack people Katrina, I attack their lies and deceptions which are hurting other people. I attack false teachings and false religions, which blind men's eyes from the saving truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You are making false assumptions.

Here's the most ridiculous statement Katrina made:

"If your God is too blind to see beyond the front to see the good in everybody, maybe he isn't such a great God."

You're right Katrina, Jesus Christ is my God; but He is a Great God and a Wonderful Saviour, and you are woefully foolish to slander Him. You are greatly deceived on this matter. You're failing to decipher between people's good qualities and false religion. There are some very nice Wiccans, Catholics, Buddhists, and Muslims in the world, and I have met quite a few of them; but, what does that have to do with false religion? The Word of God condemns false religion. According to 1st John 2:22, anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ is Anti-Christ, and a LIAR...

"Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." -1st John 2:22

Every sincere Muslim is a liar, and an Anti-Christ. I didn't say it, God said it. Muslims outright deny that Jesus is the Christ. In fact, Wiccans also deny that Jesus is the Christ. Get mad at God. Now, if you don't believe the Word of God Katrina, then you are hopelessly lost and on your way to Hell when you die. If you die in your sins Katrina, without Christ as your Saviour, then you will burn in Hell forever for rejecting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Again, get mad at God because He said it...

"In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction..." -2nd Thessalonians 1:8,9

This is Who my God is Katrina, Jesus Christ. I want to repeat Katrina's statement again:

"If your God is too blind to see beyond the front to see the good in everybody, maybe he isn't such a great God."

Romans 3:10-13 declares, "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one ... there is none that doeth good, no, not one ... Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips." By nature, ALL people are sinners. We have all come short of God's glory (Romans 3:23). VINE'S EXPOSITORY DICTIONARY OF GREEK NEW TESTAMENT WORDS says concerning the word "glory" in Romans 3:23, "...the word denotes the manifested perfection of His (God's) character, especially His righteousness, of which all men fall short." Hence, all humanity falls short of being perfect like God. There is no good in man when compared to God. Even our good (self-righteousness), Katrina, is as filthy rags in God's sight (Isaiah 64:6). But you say that God sees the "good in everybody." No Katrina, God sees a bunch of wicked sinners who deserve to burn in Hell. Yet you make allegations against God that He is "blind" to the good that YOU SEE in people. God loves all people, but He demands that we repent and turn to Christ.

I will use Wicca as an example. I hate Wicca with a passion. Why? Because it teaches damnable heresies which, according to the Word of God, will lead it's followers into Hell forever. John 3:36 proclaims that anyone who does NOT believe on Jesus Christ as Saviour is condemned ALREADY, and the wrath (anger) of God rests upon that person. So according to John 3:36, every Wiccan is ALREADY condemned and on their way to Hell if they don't repent and get saved. God's wrath is upon them daily (Psalm 7:11). I love people; therefore, I am compelled to tell them the painful truth which they despise to hear. Wicca is of the Devil, he DOES exist! If Wiccans want to get mad at me, go ahead; but I love them enough to tell them the Truth of God's Word. Yet, they call me hateful, which is a lie of the Devil. Now you, Katrina, condemn me for not being "acceptant of others." You said:

"Jesus preached acceptance of others..."

But you are being crafty in your words Katrina, when you use the term "others," by implying that Jesus also accepted false religions. Jesus NEVER accepted false doctrines or heathen religions. Jesus uncompromisingly preached the Truth, without apology. Jesus ripped and scathed the religious hypocrites of His day. You are doing what so many unsaved people do Katrina, ignorantly quoting only portions of the Bible, taking them out of context. God will accept anyone who comes to Him through Jesus Christ, but no one else (John 14:6). Wiccans are NOT accepted by God because they refuse to come through Jesus Christ. Acts 4:12 declares that salvation is only found in Christ Jesus.

The Apostle Paul said in Galatians 1:9, "...If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed." The Bible defines the Gospel in 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 as the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In so doing, Jesus Christ shed His blood to take away our sins. This is what Christ did to pay for our sins. Anyone who teaches anything else is CURSED according to the Bible. Therefore, the Buddhists are cursed. The Hindus are cursed. The Catholics are cursed. The Lutherans are cursed. The Seventh Day Adventists are cursed. The Jehovah Witnesses are cursed. The Mormons are cursed. The Baha'is are cursed. Wiccans are cursed. Atheists are cursed. Humanists are cursed. Taoists are cursed. Freemasons are cursed.

The Greek and Russian Orthodox are cursed. Charismatics are cursed. Why? Because they all preach ANOTHER GOSPEL that does not teach faith alone in Christ Jesus, apart from ALL works. We read in 2nd John 1:9-11, "Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds." Ephesians 5:11 commands us to EXPOSE the works of darkness, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." ALL believers are commanded by God to EXPOSED the works of darkness.

In conclusion. You said you are agnostic Katrina, having little faith in religion; yet, ironically, you are taking a class on theology," as you stated. I don't have much faith in religion either, but I do place 100% of my faith in a single Person--The Lord Jesus Christ. I do realize that there is some human "good" in all people, but that good becomes as filth when compared to the holy righteousness of God. I believe we should love all people, but love sometimes requires us to speak the unpleasant truth. You are angry with me Katrina because I am speaking out against false religion. I love lost sinners enough to warn them of the judgment and Hell to come. Yet you arrogantly say:

"If your God is too blind to see beyond the front to see the good in everybody, maybe he isn't such a great God."

What you're clearly saying is that God should accept false religion. You are clearly saying that Christians shouldn't criticize anyone else's religion, even if it is a false religion that teaches damnable heresies contrary to God's Word. Yet God calls them cursed (Galatians 1:9). It is obvious that you do NOT know God, yet you are taking a theology class to study God. This is tragic! I would suggest you quit the class and read through the King James Bible instead. We learn about God from the Word of God, not from a theology class (John 1:1-3; Revelation 19:13). Sadly Katrina, you have been brainwashed with Satanic theology. Only through Jesus Christ can anyone be saved; therefore, we must WARN everyone about false religions which are leading the masses into the Lake of Fire. If you disagree Katrina that Harry Potter is woefully evil, it is only because you do NOT believe the Word of God...

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves." -Matthew 23:15

"And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." -Revelation 20:15

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