Wednesday 24 September 2008

The Armor of God

Good evening brothers and sisters in Christ, as we all know, each day of our lives are filled with trials and battles against the enemy. Fortunately...there is GOOD NEWS! God has provided us the 'The Armor of God' in which we should put on each day of our lives, day and night. And as we continue to grow in the Lord, we come to realise how much we need the Armor of God to protect us from the attacks of the enemy. I've even printed off this prayer and stuck it in my room!

Lord, I receive Your armor.

I take the belt of truth. I choose to have everything held together by Your truth.

I put on the breastplate of righteousness, may my heart and choices be guarded by righteousness.

I put on the helmet of Salvation, may the truth of my salvation help guard my thoughts.

I take the Shield of faith, may it ever increase and defend against the enemy.

I take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. May Your Word help me discern between Your Spirit, my flesh and the enemy. May Your Word strengthen and encourage me all day today, and may Your Word defend against the lies of the enemy.

I shod my feet with the gospel of peace.

Thank you for the provision of Your armor.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Do not hesitate to print it off too and do the same! God Bless!