Tuesday 7 October 2008

The Dream

He walked in, huddled over and with a tremendous limp. You'd expect someone like this to be on a wheelchair. He'd probably move faster on a wheelchair. In my mind, I let out a tired sigh. The shift was near ended, and my last patient had to be a difficult case.

"Since 1996, I was like this", he said, referring to his inability to lie down comfortably, walk or stand up properly. I was somewhat bemused as to the long list of practitioners he had consulted. Performing the orthopaedic tests I deemed necessary, I proceeded to treat the patient. Immediately, he could lie down as a normal person would. I didn't think much of this, as I returned to perusing his file, but the patient was ecstatic. I told him to stand up and walk around a bit to see if his gait was improved, and it was greatly improved. But what really excited him was that he could stand up straight. The centre staff were surprised at his result, and the patient requested a picture be taken of him standing up straight to which the staff happily obliged.

I got him back on the treatment table as I wanted to review other issues and update his file, when he said, "I had a dream about this."

"Really? Tell me about your dream." I said, still perusing his file.

"I dreamt that Jesus appeared to me." he continued.

At this juncture, I looked up to see if he was trying to be funny. Furthermore, I don't recall any psychiatric issues in his file. But he was still enjoying the fact that he could lie down properly, and there he lay, on my treatment table. In hindsight, I'd probably be crying for joy if for the first time in twelve years I could lie down, walk and stand properly

"So what did Jesus do?" I asked.

"Jesus told me he has prepared a room for me in His Father's mansion", he replied.

"I see. Do you want to go to His Father's mansion?" I managed to asked. Truth be told, I was stunned - what he said was straight out of the bible, from John 14:2 in fact.

"Yes", was his measured, stoic reply.

This was not enough for me. I had to make sure he knew what he was getting himself into. "God sent His only Son Jesus, to suffer and die on the cross for our sins, for your sins, and on the third day He resurrected. If you sincerely say sorry to God for your sins and accept Jesus as Saviour and Lord, and from then on live for Jesus as the Bible dictates, your relationship with God is restored. DO YOU WANT THIS?" I near demanded, more for my sake than his.

"Yes, I want this", he said.

Whilst leading him halfway through the covenant prayer of confession, repentance and acceptance, I started crying. I reckon I'm the macho sort - I don't even cry when I cut onions but at that moment, I was moved to tears. I was humbled that it was not I, but God that makes things happen. Humbled that God had His plans, and His ways are definitely higher than mine and despite my oft broken plans and less than perfect attitude, His glory and will overrides everything. This year has been a very difficult year for me, but I was simply honoured and much encouraged that the Lord would choose someone like me to lead another back to His Kingdom. I know I do not deserve His love, let alone such honour. It was a bittersweet feeling that day, because part of me knows this patient could die anytime, and yet part of me knows that if he does, he was truly saved, and his salvation was most timely.

I end this post with a section from Luke 1:46-49.

46 And Mary said:
"My soul glorifies the Lord
47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48 for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
49 for the Mighty One has done great things for me — holy is His name.

Indeed, God has been mindful of a sinner like I, yet having sent His only begotten Son to suffer and die in my place, He has done and will continue to do great things for me.

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