Tuesday 12 June 2007

Do you have Joy Eternal or are you just Temporarily Entertained?

Brothers and sisters, one thing that I have realized living in such a consumer oriented world is that many of the things that keep us entertained, or 'happy' needs continuous replenishment. The moment we stop receiving this replenishment, let's put it bluntly, we stop 'feeling good'. For some it may be buying new clothes, buying new computer games etc.

When we look at it closely, we see that all of the materialistic things that the world has to offer does not bring eternal joy, or a meaningful sense of purpose while we live on this world. If we slow down a bit and take some time to examine our lives, we quickly come to realize that ultimately, it just keeps us distracted. Someone's lifestyle could be as follows:- Work, Shop, repeat. It's not surprising to see that many people question themselves with regards to their purpose in life. Maybe there is a greater purpose?

So what is my purpose...? Well, as a Christian, lets simply say, it's to do the what the Lord wants me to do including spreading the Good News to the rest of the world, showing love to those around us and being the 'Salt and Light' of the earth.

So what is the Good News? And why do we want to tell the world about the Good News so badly? To find out more about it, check out our other post,
The Message of The Cross You'll realize through the Good News, that is what WILL bring you joy eternal! Jesus said, "but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:14)