Sunday 24 June 2007

That no more misunderstanding might arise

When this site was started, the intention was that an objective forum for mature-discussion might occur. And we were and still are full of goodwill and kind intent, that no one might feel intimidated but be part of this forum so that all might come to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But the comments that succeed the last post was disappointing, to say the least, and instead of a forum being led by the absolute truth of the bible, it degenerated into a free-for-all where comments were nothing more than mere opinions of misguided and ill-informed people who had poor understanding of the bible and thus, had to resort to the presentation of non-biblical sources. Worse, some comments were clearly made by sons and daughters of belial attempting to put down the bible and those who abide by it by their human argument. Neither of you have done anything along the original intent of the authors of this site and if any of you have actually derived any satisfaction from posting such comments, you must have bigger problems than I care to imagine and if the truth of this site hurts, you can choose not to read it. In lieu of the lack of self-control and cowardice (remain anonymous if you like, but at least make yourself known to JC who has so kindly made this forum possible for you, his friends...), comments will now be moderated and anything stupid will obviously not get posted. Even better, this will no longer be an open forum because there can be no discussion as to the Bible's truth - you either accept it or you do not. Sure, you can argue against it until the cows come home, but try arguing about it come Judgement Day.

Now, we did not make ourselves clear, but the purpose of this site is twofold. The first, to educate Christians. Yes, Christians, so called, can be a lost, hypocritical bunch, and many attend church, do all the churchy things but yet, have little or nothing in way of spiritual maturity and at times, are worse examples than their non-Christian counterparts. We have heard and seen for ourselves too many accounts of how alleged Christians have been misbehaving. This is of course, a great shame to the our Lord Jesus and often, it takes but one black sheep to tarnish the entire image of the church and this world, a world that follows the devil, will be quick to capitalize on this and scapegoat the entire church. In any case, you'd think that for someone to profess to be Christian, they would be well-read in the bible and are applying the bible's standards in their daily lives, are exemplary in all they do, say and think and are on the whole, Salt and Light in this sad, broken realm. A Christian really is a marvelous person, one who is genuine, sincere, trustworthy, one who will inspire Christians and non-Christians alike to praise God in Heaven after they witness this one Christian's good deeds. This site will prescribe the teachings of the bible as they pertain to Christians and by doing so, one can better ascertain if someone who claims to be Christian is indeed one, or if they are simply charlatans, playing church or worse, agents of the devil sent to sow discord and confusion in and for the church.

The second, that non-Christians might have a glimpse as to the high standard Christians are held to. Now, all you non-believers, we tell you now that the high moral standards of the bible do not apply to you. Why? Because you are not Christian. The standards of living a life that abhors sin only applies to Christians. This should go without saying but for the record, unrepentant sinners are like pigs basking in swill and enjoying it - how can you preach to someone who has yet to discard and usually, still revels and takes pride in the cesspool of filth that the devil has managed to tempt them with? So any "Christian" trying to reprimand you for your non-Christian act or acts, as the case might be, really is wrong to do so because that's what you are, a non-Christian and you are defined by the non-Christian things you do, so of course you won't be an exemplary Christian. How about you non-Christians who are seemingly, doing good deeds? Tough - you still will burn in hell for your good deeds cannot redeem you. Only belief on the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins can save you. Which brings us to my next point: There are parts of the bible that pertain to you non-believers. Specifically, God loves you, the sinner, so much that He sent His only begotten son Jesus to die for you, and should you believe on Jesus for forgiveness of sins, you are saved and have eternal life. Once you have taken this step of faith, your life can then change for the better through the transforming power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Such change takes time, and you will have to strive in your obedience towards such transformation once you are saved. I bet those independent "churches" only told you the nice bits and left out the hard yards of sanctification that a real Christian is actually ordained to undertake, and this must be one reason why we have so many idiots as "Christians" these days.

Just to answer a few of the more worthwhile issues that present from the last post, I will say that I care not for what the methodist by-laws state, especially when they have no biblical basis. In similar vein, I have equal contempt for anything not prescribed in the bible and/or not applied in the will and intent of the Lord. So do not try to tell me what the anglican ways, or catholic ways, or some great philosopher's ways are - none of them can hold a candle to the God's Holy and Divine Word, the Bible. And yes, some of you sure are good at twisting the bible to support your argument, and this reminds me of how the devil quoted half-scriptural truths when he tempted our Lord Jesus but you do so at your own risk bearing in mind the curse stated in the book of Revelation. As for you who cannot understand why our Lord Jesus would turn water into wine, and would still argue that alcohol is the devil, He did so because He knew that that those drinking His wine would not become drunk. And any of you who would argue that Jesus turned water into wine to render the crowd drunk, you really need help. On the other hand, it doesn't take a genius to figure that the post on Alcohol was not encouraging alcoholism either, nor was it encouraging teetotalers to start drinking, even in moderation. It really was about stating how Christians should live by faith, and that their intent and absolute conduct, tied-in with the intelligence our Father in Heaven has given us, should further allow us to apply the Bible's teachings and be Christ-like in all we do, say and think. Lastly, who was it that made that sweeping statement and said what we thought was not important and that only God's thoughts were valid? If God did not want us to think, He would have made us as mindless robots but why do you think He gave us His Word to read? Our thoughts are so important that God gave us His Word, the Bible, to meditate day and night upon and if you even have sinful thoughts, you are going to have to answer for them. It's people like you spouting rubbish like this that gives Christians a bad name and misleads non-Christians so do all of us a favour and shut that noise-hole of yours. Now, when posts are made, an explicit heading will state if the post is meant for Christians, or non-Christians, or maybe, in some cases, both. And be reminded that yours is not so much to speak, but if you have ears, yours is to hear, and if you have eyes, yours is to see.

Thus, we have spoken.

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