Tuesday 6 October 2009

In the last days, churches will become more worldly, and the world will become more churchy

I am very disturbed that many amongst us have embraced a "seeker-sensitive" philosophy. This bait-then-switch tactic is outrightly deceptive but wrong at many levels especially when it is a push for compromise. God is not pleased if our numbers increase because of compromise. A tumour will grow, then destroy the body it is growing in. All we need is a little leaven for this to start, and it has started in many churches thanks to the apostate teachings of Rick Warren. I am very concerned that many amongst us have embraced this wrong teaching, because such wrong teachings have made christian "rock" music a golden calf in the church. Such wrong teachings also say that it is ok to compromise scriptural moral standards in order to get people "into the church" then somehow try to preach the gospel to them, but in doing so we have already sabotaged the power of our witness and testimony.

God grieves while the Devil laughs.

But because of such wrong teaching, some amongst us feel that its fine to have questionable activities as long as we throw in some scripture into it. And thus, we are having a steady increase in activities that have no respect for God and His Word, but instead encourage self-glorification through sporting events, but also events that encourage drinking and worldliness. I am very concerned about the current moral decay and the moral decay that will come with the continued opening of such a pandora's box. As Christians, we are charged to be salt and light. Yes, we are charged to be hot, and on fire for the Lord. If we lose our saltiness, the bible says we should be thrown out, to be trampled underfoot. Scripture also says that if we are anything but hot, it is better to be cold because the lukewarm will be spat out.

But how many of us sit on the fence? How many of practice a modern syncretism trying to be a "cool" Christian? The bible states if you are friends of the world, you are enemies with God. So what is your choice? Do you subscribe to Christian "rock"? Does your church practice speaking in "tongues" in a manner that contradicts the guidelines of scripture? Does your church chases "healing services"? Does your church preach a word-faith heresy of the name-it-and-claim-it nonsense? Does your church preach a prosperity gospel, in that God wants to make you rich and successful and being a Christian is a stroll in the park? Does your church condone its males dressing up like riff raff and its females dressing up like sluts? If any of these apply, then alert your church leaders, and if they don't listen, you better find a real church - cast not your lot with these workers of iniquity.

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