Wednesday, 7 November 2007

The Exit Exams


Yes, I am sounding like quite the religious nut, but God is real whether you believe or not,
and truth be told, my heart sank when I read the paper during the ten minutes reading time.
Quickly, I looked around and when I saw others starting to cry, I knew it wasn't just I who
thought this was going to be one fat mother of an exam especially when not much of the
lectures was being tested.
Well, I actually bothered to study for the Theory, so it was more than just a "speed-read
once-over let's get this over and done with" effort that has become my habit. I didn't just
study, but did so in the library and for a few hours too, cramming lecture after lecture, so
it's all kosher. Please don't love me less after hearing this - no one's perfect right?
But seriously, this episode has humbled me. It has taught me to rely not on my own
strength, or anyone else's for that matter, but to rely on God. It's comforting to know that
my Father in Heaven is real, because every time I am in distress, I cry for help and He's there.
Yes, my faith was weak, so I changed strategy and decided to cram. It didn't really help, so
the joke's on me.
On the other hand, I know many who started memorizing stuff months ahead - the latest
Merck Manual, textbooks, etc etc. At the end of the day, one of these beat me by less
than four marks. The rest probably did too, and with all that ridiculous cramming, they
should. I'm not sure if it was worth it. But if that's how you want to tackle exams, so be it.
I will love you less though.
Sometimes, I get smug, thinking I am smart. Those of you who know me well won't
exactly describe me as bright. But I hope you'd realize that the only logical explanation
for all this would be: the Lord bestows upon me whatever "smart" I have, when I need it.
I dare not claim to be smart, much less so after the Theory Exam. Please forgive me if
I have been proud.
Thank you Lord, for seeing me through this entire course, from its trying start to its
disturbing end. For calming my anger, for drying my tears, for giving me strength, for
giving me rest, for giving me speech, for giving me a mind, for sending your only Son
to suffer and die for me that I might be reunited with You.
The Lord is indeed my Sheperd, I shall not want.

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