Saturday 18 August 2007

Jehovah Rophe

Having returned from a two-week rural deployment, some summary figures are in order:

317 new patients seen with another 130 follow-up visits.

Some near-miracles were witnessed, with one patient finding relief after 25 years of palliative care having had every test known to man. Others are walking properly, moving properly again. We've had patients coming back to us, bearing gifts with tears of gratitude.

My one nagging fear is, like the multitudes who came to Jesus for physical healing, how many actually walked away with spiritual restoration? Yes, it easy to get all excited that the blind can see, the lame can walk, etc etc, but the flesh is only temporal - to get hung-up on physical restoration, arguably important as it might be, is perhaps, missing the point. How many among those multitudes wanted more than just physical healing? Or was it all that mattered to them?

How many seek signs in order to believe?

I simply tell all my patients that we can but render treatment - it is the Lord who renders healing.

To God be the glory, great things He hath done.

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